Sunday, April 26, 2009

Feel good

Yesterday, after i had my lunch with mum in "Uncle Chili",
i went shopping alone in Amcorp Mall, while my mum still had her lunch with her friend.

I got attracted by a stall with full of accessories.
Quickly, i went there to browse~
Well, coincident i meet my friends there.
First, i look at them but couldn't recognize them.
when i turn to look at them again,
we shout at each other:
"Hey, is you"!

Since when i didn't meet up with them d?
If I'm not mistaken,
One of them, i had not seen her since after form 5 because she went to London edy.
Another one, since after form 5 i met her few times but because of we both are busy person so we seldom meet up.

Is feel so good to meet with friends that used to hang out together before.
We exchanged our phone no then i went back home.
We will be seeing each others not long after all because we plan to go somewhere after my final exam.

Yeah, I'm here waiting!

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